Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Evidence of the Jersey Devil

Without hard evidence, such as pictures or videos, it is hard to determine fully whether or not something is fact or fiction. It is exceptionally hard with the Jersey Devil, because no physical evidence has ever been found of him. The best accounts of the devil come from people who have had close encounters with the creature himself, or just witnessed the devil's hellish doings. One account comes from a councilmen in Trenton, New Jersey, in which he says one night he was woken by the sound of flapping wings outside of his bedroom window, but when he went outside there was nothing but hoof prints left where the sound was coming from. All throughout the 20th century tales of the creature have been told, like in 1927 a cab driver in Salem got a flat tire, and while trying to fix it the devil flew out of the forest and on top of his car. The man then says that the creature shook his car violently, so he fled the scene, leaving his cab and his jack behind. The most abundant evidence there is comes from the year 1909 when the devil was sighted over hundered times in one week, spanning his trip from Philidelphia to New York! Although many stories are told from local New Jersey residents, there are no actual documents, pictures, or legitimate sources of evidence for the Jersey Devil.

"Stories Through the Years", 1996-2002,
"Unknown Creatures",

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