Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Good Ol' Jersey Devil

According to myth, the Jersey Devil's story starts off with a woman around three hundred years ago. This woman lived in the Pinelands of Jersey, and one night prayed for her thirteenth child to become a devil. When the child was born it transformed into a monster twice the size of a man, with gigantic wings, cloven feet, and talons for hands. The devil proceeded to kill the midwife of the mother, and flew off only to come back to terrorize local town folk and travelers alike. Many other variations of the story come about, according to the 1995 article "The Jersey Devil" by Dave Juliano, Mrs. Leeds, who was the mother of the Jersey devil, was actually a witch residing in Burlington, NJ with her husband who was actually the devil. The child was then born with wings, a tail, a horse-like head, and claws. Since the birth of this creature, it has been supposedly spotted by over two thousand witnesses, and terrorized villages and towns, shutting down schools and factories. I myself will have to take a further look into the Jersey Devil, and see if I can find some answers on if this creature is really existent.

Juliano, Dave, "The Jersey Devil", 1995,

Taylor, Troy, "The Jersey Devil, Legend or Truth?", 2002,

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